Ballroom Maeri

The largest banquet hall in Ishigaki is 480 m2 with a 7 m high ceiling. Perfect venue for wedding receptions or large conferences. The hotel offers a wide range of conference services, including lighting, acoustics, large screens, and table sets.

Location and capacity

Location / Ocean Wing 1F
Maximum occupancy / 570 people

Capacity, size, fee info

Wholeroom West+Center+East480145500400570420
⅔ West+Center/East+Center32097300220350320
½ West+ Side/East+Side24073200180250210
⅓ West/East16048120100150120

※The permanent floor space (50㎡) is not included in the above.

Floor Plan (4 layouts)

Ballroom Maeri

The largest banquet hall in Ishigaki is 480 m2 with a 7 m high ceiling. Perfect venue for wedding receptions or large conferences. The hotel offers a wide range of conference services, including lighting, acoustics, large screens, and table sets.

Location and capacity

Location / Ocean Wing 1F
Maximum occupancy / 570 people

Capacity, size, fee info

Wholeroom West+Center+East480145500400570420
⅔ West+Center/East+Center32097300220350320
½ West+ Side/East+Side24073200180250210
⅓ West/East16048120100150120

※The permanent floor space (50㎡) is not included in the above.

Floor Plan (4 layouts)

面积 容纳人数
站席 座位数 剧院 演讲
全室 西+中+東 480 145 500 400 570 420
⅔ 西+中/東・中 320 97 300 220 350 320
½西+中半/東・中半 240 73 200 180 250 210
⅓ 西/東 160 48 120 100 150 120

面积 容纳人数
站席 座位数 剧院 演讲
全室 西+中+東 480 145 500 400 570 420
⅔ 西+中/東・中 320 97 300 220 350 320
½西+中半/東・中半 240 73 200 180 250 210
⅓ 西/東 160 48 120 100 150 120
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